Wood Burning

Wood Burning

Is it worth getting a wood burning stove?

Wood-burners are highly efficient and use up less energy to produce the same heat as your radiator. They also have a lower carbon output; much less energy is needed to harvest wood in comparison to mining deep for fossil fuels like coal, which powers roughly a third of the UK electricity supply.

What are the disadvantages of wood burner?

Common disadvantages for both stoves include extensive maintenance requirements, both stoves must be ventilated properly and regularly cleaned, and both are considerably more likely to ignite large fires than either oil or gas heaters.

Will a wood stove heat a house?

Wood stove heating is an excellent and efficient way to heat a home. But the problem is, the heat must be distributed, or else the heat will only sit in one place. In this case, one room will be too warm, while the others will be too cold. However, there are 3 methods to ensure that it heats your entire house.

How long do wood burning stoves last?

– 20 years

A good quality wood burning stove is said to be able to last 10 – 20 years, with some people even claiming they’ve had the same one for 40+ years! But, we think this is only half the story. Yes, when well-maintained, a log burner can continue to be used for as long as a few decades.

Wood Burning






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